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1. After-sale services including online consulting, repairment, replacement, official/unofficial but expert-sharing tutorials & tips, free gifts.

2. Pre-sale services including policy & discount for orders, affiliate services, custom-design products, special activity such as lightning deals.

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Master Road

Believe you are master!

1. Posting Freedom:

All members are welcome to create posts in community to share ideas, tips, project experience, technical exchange, or programing experience with other project makers for advancing together.

2. Reward:

As a return, authors will get rewarded with STEM stuff as inspiration to make smarter projects.

3. Community Campaigns:

We'll also organize campaigns for project makers of all us to continually develop ourselves.

Comprehensive Services

Focusing on Arduino PCB and its peripheral products, we're dedicated to serve.

Subscribe to get services including but not limited to the listed content below:

> Personalized-design solution for products.

> Experts' assistance.

> Order discount and delivery issues.